
Borobudur_064 Borobudur_463 Mt Popa 1 Tikal IIFebruary’s Featured Artist

Photography affords us the opportunity to see amazing places that we can only dream about. Trent Burkholder has the vision and ability to capture the raw essence and beauty of any LOCATION.

Borobudur Temple, Java, Indonesia 1 & 2

Mount Popa Temple, Mt. Popa, Myanmar

Temple II, Tikal, Guatemala

Copyright (c) 2015 Trent Burkholder


February’s Featured Artist Trent Burkholder has developed a fascination with the cultures and people of the planet we live on. The MALDIVES is a chain of 26 atolls, consisting of 1,190 islands, in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The marine life is a healthy combination of large animals, countless fish species, and macro creatures.

444_063 Purple Anemone84-Fish

Maldives Anemonefish (Amphiprion negripes) 1 & 2

Clark’s Anamonefish (Amphrprion clarkii)

Explore the underwater world through this informative guide written in simple language, covering the technical, mechanical, and compositional factors that contribute to producing quality images. Underwater Photography: A Guide to Capturing the Mysteries of the Deep

Copyright (c) 2015 Trent Burkholder

Rising tides

Arise from the ashes and open to the unknown.

main_1500Rising above the old outdated way of doing things and evolving into being. There is much busywork, but few true connections of meaningful tasks. What is of value to one may have little worth to someone else. Thoughts of what others may be thinking are quite pointless only the positive psychic blessings of another hold intrinsic value. When we act from a place of fear the only possible outcome can be fear. Plant the intentional seed of benefit and you will be rewarded. It is an honor to see others successful and a joy to be a part of their success be it mental, physical or etheric. When you light some people on an internal level there is the possibility their flame will burn brighter than anyone could have imagined. Taken into consideration your connection with everyone’s success or failures should be pondered for a moment. Enjoying your resonance with others will be significant and is something of value to not only the participants, but unknowingly the non-participants as well. When the consciousness begins to rise, which it has, the only choice is to stay afloat with the rising tides or grasp on and drown yourself for no apparent reason. That’s right, drowning in the old mentalities of lack and limitation. Tap into the energetic fields on your planet to enjoy your time instead of begrudgingly wishing it away, as so many humans do. We understand your past and believe others would relate on more than one level. Integrating into the whole is an ongoing process, one that will be facilitated by joining forces with others on this path of harmonic convergence. Energies are blending, minds are being made apparent.

Q? How to deal with overwhelm?

A: Know this is an experience everyone faces. The ability of the body to adapt to just so many experiences within a certain time period. Open to organizing your time in a fashion that minimizes the stress of too much. Do not set yourself up to do an excessive amount of tasks. Know there is an effortless unfolding which will become more apparent as maximum velocity has been exceeded and burnout is inevitable.

Q? What is your name?

A: Utankan

Q? What do you look like, where are you from?

A: Native with neutral toned robes, lakes of Algonquin territory

Q? What is your message?

A: Envelop a new way of being, one that does not reinforce negative imprints. This way is known to you, yet must be focused on, as to not be dragged down with others detrimental attitudes. You may choose to reflect on the difference.

02/28/15 Utankan channeled by Trevi

Copyright (c) 2015 Trevi Bennett

Just like you

Open understanding of vibratory fields will be the next wave.

GoldenSwirlUnderstanding resonance manifests in the now, a reflection of higher mind will serve you. Take the radiance you have found and simply offer it to others. Not knowing what connection will be made next will add and develop the mysteries of life. Opening to change is less abrasive than denial or a pointless moot fight. All the little experiences compose the greater whole shifting to a positive representation of the world you prefer, for this will be your only reality so choose wisely. The analogy of the train leaving is quite representative of this time frame. Becoming aware that there is a train #1, then recognizing you possess the choice to determine which destination is right for you. You don’t jump on the freedom-and-enlightenment-train if you prefer to resonate with the fear-and-doubt-train. Unaware as to if the train might crash you trust it will get you where you’re going. So have no desire or need to tread too far, the opportunity will present itself at the proper moment. Everything is in perfect timing, even all the detours were thoughtfully manipulated for a specific outcome…you! If and when you are ready to take the wheel it will be there for you. The waiting and wondering has finally ceased and the kinetic motion forward on a path of assistance has emerged for the taking. Walk proud on your path of experience and be not afraid to share what you have learned in an unobtrusive way as to manifest your highest good. Be not afraid of the wind for it brings circulation and flow to the whole. Do the same, bring a breath of fresh air to the stagnant self centered thinking surrounding individuals. Make the light apparent for all to see. It is no secret the key to life is your joy and happiness expressing more of who you truly are day by day. Focus on this inner light. ~higher conscious

Q? How can I prepare to vocal channel?

A: You have been preparing by contacting us every opportunity. Our connection is strong and need not be doubted. You hear what we are saying with a slight echo to reverberate the message deep within your cellular structure. Your hunger and desire to assist others will assist you in the end. Focus on this inner connection and all else will fall into place. Daily affirmations will assist in this process of trust. It will be easy and filled with effortless joy, so have no fear of what is to come. It is all as it should be, effervescent in nature, bubbling over with excitement.

Q? What is your name?

A: Illumna

Q? What do you look like, where are you from?

A: Golden energy beams of compassionate light from Pleiadian source.

Q? What is your message?

A: Lighting the path is for the adventurer and leader. Not all will choose to spread the light in fact they are quite unaware they have a light to share. Relatability will be essential, showing others they are just like you, able on every level to facilitate change. Depending on others for your daily well-being is a challenge some disabled individuals face. Giving them the peace to knowing it is simply another piece of the puzzle and nothing to be understanding with. We are working together on many soul levels to resolve the anxiety created from eons of darkness. Relax, the current will take you where you need to flow.

A: We have chosen this appropriate venue to illustrate the highs and lows in life, the canyons and deep crevasses to the pinnacle spine on top of the highest cliff. This is no coincidence; these extreme locational frequencies demonstrate a hospitable environment for all dwellers. The eagle does not wonder about its life, it knows its mission, to survive and glide on the currents of life. Nature is the most beautiful creation, effortlessly existing with everything inherently intact…meaning the trees need nothing to be what they are, they simply exist. You too need nothing, you may choose to let go of want of things which only brings more want. You have all that is necessary to experience this life from an inner perspective of completion. If you don’t need anything, what finds you is an inherent worth valued higher than any material object. Wealth and affluence are the nature of the universe. To flow is to live fully in your frequency.

Q? What is your message for me?

A: Focusing on that which brings more joy will be the goal. Knowing there is choice with responsibility. Every example of radiant existence can be found within, for all is connected and no quality is unattainable. You tap into the universal matrix and decide what it is you can offer. All humans have access to the same principles of existence and laws of the universe. Become aware and use these tools wisely for it will be for the benefit of all. Our love to you.

02/27/15 Illumina channeled by Trevi

Copyright (c) 2015 Trevi Bennett

Increase vitality + energy

There is no control, only flow.

martia-white-lightSeparation leads to doubt. To isolate oneself is a natural human trait that does not come from the ability to view the bigger picture. Observing the radiant flow that surrounds you the need to attach to others becomes unnecessary. The attachment comes into play when we do not know our selves well enough to be alone. If we were truly at ease in our skin the desire for others approval reduces itself to a minimum. Exploring the varied means by which to manifest your highest potential will facilitate a group energy of cohesion and worth. Understanding others is not needed, yet we spend most our days pondering such thoughts. We have been taught to care on one level and therefore are compelled to seek approval, whatever means that may take. Relaxing the frey will calm the tides of uneasiness at others opinions. Flowing is the only action that need be taken, into the next moment and the next. When you distract yourself with others thoughts it is merely an exercise in futility, after all how could you possibly know? Even psychics have a boundary of safety, of which we will surround your work with us right now. Surrounded in the knowing no harm can come to you from love. Love is unifying. Ignorance and assumptions are one on some core level, but need not be related in your concept of worth. We have all made this journey to discover through experience what it is we have to offer and why that is of importance this lifetime. Even if all lifetimes are happening simultaneously, This is the one you have chosen to explore, you have chosen the characters and must play the game to realize the end goal. The goal is not death, that is simply an inevitable outcome. ~higher conscious

A: With the use of Jah mix of individuals you will see a trend to understand and unwind the madness and insanity of war. Unfurling the madness will be a communal process where the masses decide on inner peace and therefore have no need for conquering others, in any fashion, be it financially, mentally or physically. The illusion that we are more than the intelligence information we have gathered. It doesn’t matter if it makes sense to you, it is a relative truth where we all possess the potentiality and ability to manifest our greatest desires. Come to the realization that self is all that is. The reflection of all that is, unlimited in potentiality. Manifest your greatest soul essence by first trusting in the connection you share with this existence. Finding your path is never difficult; you may just be missing the signs. Pay attention to synchronis occurrence to see the pattern of feasible outcomes. You are the master of your ship, so take the wheel without doubt this is your boat, no fear of the rocks. Bring what ye may.

Q? Why do people feel compelled to be liked? How can we unattach to others opinions?

A: By revealing your truest nature all else reveals itself. All truths be known we are all on the same page of “want”. Each person’s wants are different, but that we have the power to affect and change the outcome at every moment is a pretty special accomplishment. What about gaining the attention and want to be liked by the self? Explore your own ability to like yourself, only then will others like you and simultaneously you will no longer need to be liked in that fashion. Be more who you are and the investment in self will reveal itself to you.

Q? What is your name?

A: Arian of the mists

Q? What do you look like, where are you from?

A: Somewhere that matters not, Arcturian vibes are no longer separate from earth vibes, we are all on the path. I look like white energy light.

Q? What message do you have?

A: Emanate that which you desire to be. Want to be an acrobat, hang out with acrobats. Same with a yogi. Know the path is different and varied for everyone, realize that’s a good thing, to increase vitality and energy. Know the path is rolled out before you, but no one can take the next step but you.

Q? What unusual bit of information can you tell me?

A: The radiance of self takes many forms. Our willingness to explore the varied outcomes is a choice we have all chosen. Petrifying oneself into a state of static fear limits perception, it’s like the frequency cannot be heard. Whereby it is our nature to question it is no obligation to perform on any level. Be at home in you and at ease with your bodily energy. Take care to maintain your vessel, for you will need a sturdy vehicle with which to travel the universal super highway.

Q? What message do you have for me?

There is no trying, there is only doing or consequently “not doing”. Choice remains the ultimate decider. Experiencing the pitfalls does not necessarily predetermine you for success in monetary terms. Monetarily look to others as to how they are making it work. Know the inner self. Our unconditional love.

02/26/15 Arian channeled by Trevi

Copyright (c) 2015 Trevi Bennett