Rising tides

Arise from the ashes and open to the unknown.

main_1500Rising above the old outdated way of doing things and evolving into being. There is much busywork, but few true connections of meaningful tasks. What is of value to one may have little worth to someone else. Thoughts of what others may be thinking are quite pointless only the positive psychic blessings of another hold intrinsic value. When we act from a place of fear the only possible outcome can be fear. Plant the intentional seed of benefit and you will be rewarded. It is an honor to see others successful and a joy to be a part of their success be it mental, physical or etheric. When you light some people on an internal level there is the possibility their flame will burn brighter than anyone could have imagined. Taken into consideration your connection with everyone’s success or failures should be pondered for a moment. Enjoying your resonance with others will be significant and is something of value to not only the participants, but unknowingly the non-participants as well. When the consciousness begins to rise, which it has, the only choice is to stay afloat with the rising tides or grasp on and drown yourself for no apparent reason. That’s right, drowning in the old mentalities of lack and limitation. Tap into the energetic fields on your planet to enjoy your time instead of begrudgingly wishing it away, as so many humans do. We understand your past and believe others would relate on more than one level. Integrating into the whole is an ongoing process, one that will be facilitated by joining forces with others on this path of harmonic convergence. Energies are blending, minds are being made apparent.

Q? How to deal with overwhelm?

A: Know this is an experience everyone faces. The ability of the body to adapt to just so many experiences within a certain time period. Open to organizing your time in a fashion that minimizes the stress of too much. Do not set yourself up to do an excessive amount of tasks. Know there is an effortless unfolding which will become more apparent as maximum velocity has been exceeded and burnout is inevitable.

Q? What is your name?

A: Utankan

Q? What do you look like, where are you from?

A: Native with neutral toned robes, lakes of Algonquin territory

Q? What is your message?

A: Envelop a new way of being, one that does not reinforce negative imprints. This way is known to you, yet must be focused on, as to not be dragged down with others detrimental attitudes. You may choose to reflect on the difference.

02/28/15 Utankan channeled by Trevi

Copyright (c) 2015 Trevi Bennett

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