Wary of the weak path

Boulder Beach, ME

Let us sit and watch each other grow.

Finding time is not the same as creating time. Flying time is the concept we’d like to address today. What is your concept of time? If everything is happening on multi dimensions simultaneously it is possible to choose which dimension you prefer and reside there. Prefer a society that is based on compassion and integrity instead of being the brunt of every evil corrupt vilification of the current politico. Understanding the nature of energy one must relate with the feeling of frequential alignment or misalignment for that matter. Continue building and strengthening said frequency with the power of your mind to imagine and create anything, ANYTHING! If you didn’t understand that it truly actually means every single thing, be it conceptual or physical the process is the same.

You are still and quiet, there is a pause in your thoughts that you effortlessly slip into, as if falling because when you become aware of this pause is when you stop the fall. Free falling could be considered the path of least resistance. Where do you find resistance in your day to day occurrences? Are you reluctant to go to a job where you are not honored or perhaps your choices bring hurt to others. We know you are consciously, almost brutally, aware of your actions and subsequent reactions. It is natural to not want to fall, but to openly observe why the fall is there would be of the most benefit. We learn nothing if we don’t commit to the experience of learning.

Resonate that which is dear to your heart and others will follow your lead. We all have a start at beginning the process when we chose to be manifest in this physical form. Although we are spirit you are the vessel of light come to carry your most clear and radiant frequency. Go amongst the masses to relate to the greater good. The universe favors the positive, as Bashar says, by simply allowing the negative to exist, that’s slightly positive, no? Remember if you do not resonate with something or someone you are not meant to. Constantly creating an atmosphere of where there is no hiding from your true self, your pure frequential alignment. ~hc

If you constantly look in one direction that is all you will see. Shift your glance to other paths to appreciate the varied opportunity this life presents. Concepts of self that are not true or invalidating do not serve you or others. That is the goal you know, to be of service to the elements that created you. This works in tandem to your own greater knowing, learning what depth and richness life holds without the distraction of want. What if have was the new thought instead of need or want, you already have everything you’ll ever need or want, it all resides within. Direct connection to the life force or energy of the Earth will ground the electrical current that is the overloaded and overwhelmed society the majority lives in. There is no escaping it so may as well create your preferred existence.

Limited in thought? Put down your device and just sit with your self, think your own thoughts, drift, wander on the interior instead of seeking, seeking, seeking from the exterior looking for something that is not there…whereas, ironically you had “it” all along. Let go of comparison and give your self-credit for the road you have traveled this far. When we let go of someone because they have chosen another path, wish them well on their way, be it to another land or another time. It is their choice, remember we all have free will regardless of illusory boundaries imposed by our unwilling selves or others. Be it the will of mankind to control it is also the will of nature to let go and accept everything as a cycle of growth.

Q: In what way are we a product of our society?

A: In whichever ways we choose to engage. If we are products of conditioning it is solely dependent upon the environmental surroundings. If you are unavailable or literally no one is home, there will be a breaking point of external, unwelcome occupation, or an acceptance of the missed opportunity to fully experience this life in this body with these thoughts.

It is time to rest the constant doing and allow the flow to occur, unabated by preconceived notions of how it is or what is should be like. Blast down the walls of insecurity and not knowing, a knowledge that you are confident and have always known the truth of nature, that is to radiate your core frequency without shame, proud to be you…more you every moment.

Q: What is your name?

A: Utankan

Q: What do you feel like?

A: Warm light rejoining the fire

Q: What do you look like?

A: Native robes

Q: Where are you from?

A: The cold winds of the North

Q: What is your message?

A: Be wary of the weak path that leads to frustration and self prophecy fulfillment. Instead invest in the subtle energies that cannot be proven, light the air around you with the spark of imagination and unknowing for this will lead all willing individuals down the path of least suffering through least resistance to self. How are you not living up to your full vision of self? Take the reins and know you have the ability to direct the flow you create, so create something of significance and worth to you. The only one you need to save is yourself. You are well on your way. Into the light.

04/30/16 Utankan channeled by Trevi

Copyright (c) Trevi Bennett 2016



Surrender to higher principles, higher goals, self abnegation. Taking care of others, sacrifice in order to gain wisdom vs lack of compassion avoiding pain for gain. Focus on material things to the detriment of spiritual values.

Photo credit: Trent Burkholder Photography Hindu Theru Festival Matale, Sri Lanka



It is inevitable to feel the pains of life.

We each encounter an individual serving of whatever it is we most need to thrive. Awaiting some day that may never arrive is the tell tale sign of comfort-ability. Your mind’s ability to distract and keep you safe will always come first. It is a matter of becoming intimate with your resistance to understand the nature of unearthing these discoveries will be a turning point to being in the moment and tackling the tasks that seem most daunting. Confuse them with material devices to distract from what is truly of value, a connection to self, others and the earth. If you have these three connections nothing stands in your way. ~hc


Copyright (c) Trevi Bennett 2016



Into the next phase of life. If you are feeling impatient, don’t worry: transitions will go smoothly. Career advancement. Good timing VS impatience. Disregard or insensitivity to the signs around yourself.

Riches of Self



Let us speak today of cognitive function and what it actually means to maintain one’s own faculties.

Everything we depend on comes down to understanding the concept as opposed to knowing the answer in advance. The endless chatter that is the advertising culture of consumption and subsequently the blurry cognition of what’s truly important and of worth. Is it something that brings benefit to the greater good or does it deplete individuals of their resources to maintain not only sanity but sincere desire for life or living of the dream once worked so hard to enter. Your soul, as many others, is here on a mission to explore and understand the various life experiences or themes chosen to expand upon.

Once these “keys” shall we call them, to our very happiness are too frequently given to uncaring hands. Is the experience gained? Yes, but at what cost to the expansion of the soul? If you are not in full control, at minimum of your own mind, who IS in control of it? Believe me it will be utilized if not by you some other entity, be it educational, governmental, alien, or other, your vehicle or vessel will be utilized. May as well take advantage of your opportunity to know your self, for that is the base core to all else. If for some reason or another you have fallen under circumstances that have left you feeling less than yourself, it is your opportunity to realign and find that higher purpose that serves all humankind instead of the few.

Go now to explore the questions of ages with your dream state. Unknowing that which is logical and relearning a method that truly is inclusive of all. Generosity generates more generosity, the same is true of any current, it resonates with a similar current. Some frequencies cannot even be heard, let alone understood, by some individuals. Literally they can’t hear you, it’s ok to play to your own beat. Enjoy this time of expansion and prepare for the riches found within the self. ~hc

Copyright (c) Trevi Bennett 2016

The Dynamic Within


Realize how much surrounds you from white noise to various vibrations constantly influencing your surroundings and your vibration. Allowing a flexibility when it comes to effortless evolution, it is a consciousness that propels us onward, a resonance of like vibrations.

Sensitivities to your environment are now the new normal.

Allowing this toxicity of nature is a crime. Why do we not petition the grocery stores to remove the products known to cause cancers or other health problems? They say it is your choice to choose what you wish to consume, but how is anyone to decipher which evil is less? Our environment is being overburdened with heavy metals in the air and a slew of toxic foods to choose from. On many levels this will need to be remedied. It’s not a matter of simply not buying a toxic brand, it should be illegal to slowly poison people with products.

The evolution of the human spirit cannot thrive on junk molecules. If we are to survive and more so, thrive, it is crucial to address these concerns now. Coming to such a state of affairs that poisoning the ground water, polluting the atmosphere and killing all the living creatures is a total travesty and needs to be put to an end. If you want to get behind something of worth, vibe now on the thought of harmonious living. It is not so far away and if it can be imagined it can be realized. Love to you. ~higher conscious

Q: Although I know it’s always there I feel like I’ve been missing the connection lately.

A: This is true when you do not take full advantage of all opportunities. Be it laziness or coldness, or whatever the underlying drama when you boil it down it is avoidance of growth. Fear of moving forward sometimes holds us in a paralyzing grip. Constant daily action to move you towards your goal will assist in this. Having a greater cause, more than simply one’s self and own survival, will be the key to unlocking the door of inspiration. For it is not merely a coincidence we share this Earth with many life forms. Truly indulging in being more of who you are entails incorporating and integrating the individual self into the whole. How do you fit in?

What kind of difference do you want to make in the world?

Oh, too busy being distracted with the infinite rat race of work or are you realigning with your higher version of self? These are all just queries to instigate a spark within to create and tender a nurturing fire that consumes all evil intent with genuinely good deeds. Lengthen the amount of time spent with self to encourage a strengthened bond of self-reliance. Not even the distractions of technology have anything on the intricacies of the inner mind and the faculties of the universe. Allow, encourage and expand your concepts to encompass all life, all forms of energy and respect for the dynamic within that functions on a thought or desire for actualization. Let us take the time we need to nurture our own well being so that we may nurture others affectionately with no expectations other than openness to the unknown.

Q: What is your name?

A: Utankan

Q: What do you look like?

A: White winter robes

Q: Where are your from?

A: Cold winds of the North

Q: What is your message?

A: Allowing the understanding that all things are connected for those that are able to accept a greater responsibility of connecting with Earth Mother. Honoring and treasuring the gift of this experience will generate more gratitude and compassion for all. Expand your concept of time and allow the now moment to guide you into effortless being and successfully radiating your truest frequency. It is all happening now, have no doubt. Go into light.

04/16/16 Utankan channeled by Trevi

Copyright (c) Trevi Bennett 2016