

Renewed awareness of the nature of passionate love and what is needed to encourage it. Artistic creativity, sexuality. Integration of masculine and feminine. A new important relationship VS manipulating others with sexuality. Inability to find a loving partner.

Photo credit: Android Jones



Following established social structures. In love relationships, desire for marriage or declaration of intentions for sake of security VS nonconformity, questioning traditions for traditions sake, possible rigidity.

The Beach of the Universe


It has been a long time coming that we have anxiously anticipated the days to come. We are all cognitively aligned with one another if we choose to believe it or not. Each one has chosen to be here during this timeframe, not an easy accomplishment. It is the enticing energy of change and dynamic movement that propels this existence. Resistance to this change will be painful and full of suffering. Allowing each to be his own is our challenge. Each has the undeniable birthright to express an understanding of energetic shifts and alterations. So must all humans eloquently rise to a new level of satiety, allowing their hunger to finally subside. Know there is with any change, various levels of uncomfort-ability so acknowledge these levels as valid and move on.

Energetic shifts are the last thing on some people’s minds. Awakening to this new reality will be an enlivening process of coming to fruition. What we sow we must also reap, so acknowledge the harvest is coming. Imagining your preferred reality is the first step. Acknowledge, emanate that which you seek. Love sparkly posts? Be that sparkly person that is the embodiment of change. Usually we do not change until we have to. Energize this concept of how to initiate change. I trust that the process will bring you to wholeness. Emanate, acknowledge, energize the antithesis of all light beings. This is the time to be heard so create something new and meaningful for all to enjoy. Radiate your truth for others too need to acknowledge their own lightness of being exists without judgement.

Healing is a personal process that no one can go through but the individual. Know everyone is healing from the wound of existing and we don’t always know everyone’s story. Trust the process of sharing your story. Less intensity will have a broader audience whereas more intensity will narrow down those vibrationally in alignment with your vision. There are so many things to do in a day to facilitate spiritual growth. The first one would be surrounding yourself in nature. Allow your mind to unfold to the sounds that we were meant to resonate with. Elevating your vibration with connection to Mother Earth creates a bond of happiness. ~higher conscious

Q: I’ve been feeling in a funk lately, now I finally feel that cloud of doubt and confusion lift, any insight?

A: It has been a long time and I’ve missed you. I am always right here for you circumventing all circumstance. There is a comfort in knowing we are eternally connected and nothing can break our bond, not even the sands of time. For know each grain of sand was once a potential giant of a rock or mountain. We have all been ground down and refined to our very essence. So too can we relate with being but a mere grain of sand on the beach of the universe. Exploring and adventuring are a calling that not all seek. Some enjoy the solitude of sameness, but not you. The monotony acts as catalyst to send you into a world of creating whatever reality you prefer.

Finding the gift in an insult or the sweetness in a sour fruit will be your challenge.

Must we acknowledge this dichotomy of souls has a purpose? Although we cannot always spot it immediately, each one makes their purpose obvious. There will be a time when competitive elimination will no longer be necessary. Fun is the goal of any game so enjoy this life when it seems the rules don’t apply. We each expand only so far as our comfort zone allows. To push past this limit you must realize it is precisely that, a solicution, an ethereal suicide of a perfectly good solution. Allow the fruition of things to happen naturally and eloquently for this will be the way of the warrior goddess. Acknowledging life is limitless, the only limit is our own intuitive boundaries of self…so expand on these possibilities by exploring your voice, your story. There is a treasure trove of information in each experience, the goal is to simmer it down into something actually digestible and not completely overwhelming. Know this is your fate to communicate the intricacies of life to create an understanding among souls.

Q: What is your name?

A: Utankan

Q: Where are you from?

A: Northern Territory

Q: What do you look like?

A: Buckskin robes

Q? What is your message?

A: It’s ok to be intimate with your self for it is only you who knows you best. Share this closeness to self with others through communication and creative expression. We are all searching for a path we can acknowledge as our own unique experience. So let us play the game of life without expectations from others. Only expect your self to show up for you and then, only then, can you show up for others. Take not that which is destructive, only feed the safety for darkness can hold all things to the light. Annoy not your self with trivialities of why, know it is destined to be so, you are more you everyday and progressively more comfortable in your skin each night. Soak up the rays of knowing this game is to be played. Go now into light.

04/12/16 Utankan channeled by Trevi

Copyright (c) Trevi Bennett 2016



Interest in spiritual knowledge. A teacher who will share with you what you seek – or you are the teacher. Wisdom gained in a graceful manner VS lack of trust in intuition, superficial knowledge, fear of looking within for answers.


Statue of Justice with sword and scales in front of a blue cloudy sky

Need to take a more detached viewpoint of a troublesome situation. Are you being fair to yourself and those around you? The ability to defend oneself so that justice may be done VS frustration with bureaucracies or organizations. Impatience with red tape.



Ability to use power wisely. Awareness of one’s power. Ability to lead and inspire others. Knowledge of how to “work the system” VS oppressed by another’s power and authority. Insecurity. Loss of personal power.



Growing awareness of magic within you. Yearning to grow beyond perceived limitations. Able to transform your life through strength of your originality and power. Own it, renewed creativity and vigor VS need to control, secrecy.