Hindu Theru Festival

Matale_Theru_0067February’s Featured Artist

Trent Burkholder

Cultural festivals bring out the most beautiful, intense, and often bizarre behavior in people. Photographing these events calls for research, understanding, and capturing the special moments as they happen.

Hindu Theru Festival ~ Matale, Sri Lanka FESTIVALS

Copyright (c) 2015 Trent Burkholder

Jumping Rope

Jumprope 2February’s Featured Artist

The variety and diversity of human culture is truly astounding. Trent Burkholder has specialized in capturing this superb genre, with a specific focus on the countries of Asia.

Jumping Rope ~ Bhaktapur, Nepal CULTURE

Copyright (c) 2015 Trent Burkholder

Fall into bliss

Finding your center will serve the greater whole when it comes to the easiest path to lightening up.

arcForestYou are also welcome to explore what it means to be guided. First you must trust your guides, I know some guides are not qualified. Find your internal compass by being grateful for all of your experiences and lessons. Some life events may be preceded by what may appear to be trauma. In fact these experiences are merely realigning forces necessary for you to discover the under layer of self. Shaking up ones proverbial comfort zone happens when an idea or concept is attached to excessivity. Feeling as though we need to fix every little thing leaves us in a disillusioned static state. Release these old preconceptions and allow something unexpected to arise. Knowledge of self is your safety zone nothing can harm you if you are established within. Significant changes will occur, know all else simply advises. It is up to you as your own guru to be the leader who walks the path unseen. If you have found your path be not ashamed at how it manifests. It will always manifest in the highest form for all to enjoy. This is, in fact, why you are here, to enjoy the trip. It is a journey to the soul’s residence. Continue the path and accept the speed bumps as part of the road, not separate from Source. Protective qualities will surround this time, no need to wish, it has arrived with bells on. Fall into bliss with life. Enjoying this limited expression of self within your time frame. Skip through and reveal your dimensional reality from a space of compassionate detachment. Understand frequencies will meld when the environmental conditions are ripe. ~higher conscious

Q? What can I focus on in the moment?

A: Keeping grounded in the experience of flow. No attachment to what that means, simply absorbing each experience as it comes, loving energy will facilitate.

Q? What message do you have for me?

A: Envelop the light and expand this understanding to include others. Exclusivity is passé and for the insecure, why else would one need to control their environment so obsessively? Infinitely open to the unknown. Radiate your individual truth and feel the respect of your peers.

A: Arian is my name, I am of the star system Arcturus. We have come from great darkness to a time of light on your planet. I have assisted integrating concepts of light to others who understood my calling to assist. We are merging energies to produce a new experience to relate to and understand. We notice the imagery you are seeing and wish to relate our intention of assisting with the process of fruition. The fear of not doing it right can be paralyzing. Share with your son it’s ok to explore and not know the outcome. Friends are capacitators for realizing our highest good, be sure they reflect the fire you possess internally.

02/23/15 Arian channeled by Trevi

Copyright © 2015 Trevi Bennett

Wish to control

Relax the attachment to feeling any certain way.

isolationAfflictive emotion comes from being trained to react in a predetermined fashion. Linda did not contact you today out of the goodness of her heart, she reached out in fear and anger of what it might mean if you had a connection with others that she could not control. If your concept of sharing is not the same be open to the idea of offering.

Q? How can I doubt myself?

A: Sadness, the overwhelming nature of not understanding one another. Realize you do not have to be ok with others treating you poorly. Do not try to figure out why they act in the way that they do…simply know you are acting in your highest integrity and if someone wants you to do things differently perhaps they should look in the mirror and ask themselves what external forces could change them internally?

A: You get to be at ease and relaxed and in love with yourself. No exterior force can change that relationship. These are merely cues to show you not everyone resonates with your message and that’s ok. If you being you greatly affects someone else so be it. Their lessons will find them regardless of the energy they focus on others experiences.

Q? Why would family not want me to include and reach out to other family members?

A: Isolation. They either want you to feel alone or they wish their other family members limited relationships and no choice of their own. Control is an evasive beast that cannot be reasoned with. The wish to control others, or food intake, or any grasping for any experience where there is stagnation without change, the universe is based on the chaos of constant change.

02/22/15 Utankan channeled by Trevi

Copyright (c) 2015 Trevi Bennett

Iqe and Whaleshark

Maldives044February’s Featured Artist

Trent Burkholder

The Maldives is a chain of 26 atolls, consisting of 1,190 islands, in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The marine life is a healthy combination of large animals, countless fish species, and macro creatures.

Iqe and Whaleshark (Rhincodon typus) ~ MALDIVES

Explore the underwater world through this informative guide written in simple language, covering the technical, mechanical, and compositional factors that contribute to producing quality images. Underwater Photography: A Guide to Capturing the Mysteries of the Deep

Copyright (c) 2015 Trent Burkholder

Expression of experience

Fear of winter, fear of death, the representation of an end.

frozen-lake_hd_pictures_maswallpaper-com_Realize all endings have a new beginning. Control of exterior things signifies a lack within. The insatiable desire to get ahead is a disillusioned sense of success. Making a life for yourself is similar to creating something you prefer. If you dislike your job the inclination is to find a new job. What if a job doesn’t make you happy? Time to re-evaluate why you’re here? Expansion occurs in many forms, on many levels. To preconceive what that is would be to limit its potential expression.

Q? I feel shook up and doubtful, what should I do?

A: Center yourself in knowing external events have little to do with you. For instance, curating art is a level of procuring talent and sharing it with others. Why? To allow them the opportunity to experience the art. You don’t know how they’ll respond, but at least you saw their expression of experience, be it happy, sad, complacent, etc. Find the balance by focusing your energies inward, investment on you. Allow all else to fade away.

02/20/15 Utankan channeled by Trevi

Copyright (c) 2015 Trevi Bennett