Blur the Lines


If thought had form and color could we imagine any scenario we perceived to be beneficial and go in that direction?

The eminent choice we all take either consciously or inadvertently. If you had the choice I’m sure you would choose the ability to have a choice. Only the tortured soul enjoys having their version of an ill-perceived “no choice”. The state of victimhood or martyrdom could be considered rampant in a society that places greater value on ego than experience. There is a fine line between creating your reality from a belief or believing said reality to be true, hence making it so. Allowing the expansion to be one of your choosing, for it is within that we must sort to enable an external reflection of the same, or Source.

We have all individually progressed only so far without the insightful reflection of others. We gain our experiences through interactions with our inner selves and others. Our continued growth toward self expression is realized already, if we choose to perceive it or not, on some cellular level. So basically you are everything you’ve ever wished to be, all those possibilities are already realized it is merely a formality and totally up to you to decide whether or not to play the game of manifesting that reality…or not.

We have infinite organizing power. For those that truly believe they are inherently unorganized know it is their belief structure making it so. Of course there are certain physical agreements this lifetime that would govern the belief of flying would need to be supported on the physical level, so remember to use a parachute to support your belief. You can build your parachute on the way down, but be aware of the time constraints. Make your vision a reality by taking on a challenge of your own.

Only you know what truly needs addressing so let us begin there, with a connection to obstacles so we can consciously address each issue with joy, instead of hesitation.

Do not falter for the wave of conscious life will crush you if you doubt your ability, no your very birthright, to be free. It is universal law that all humans have free will. When that is taken away there will be a great upheaval of ancient societal norms. A new time of light has arrived for those prepared to embrace it. Evolve or die as you once eloquently stated. There is much wisdom to be enjoyed once the illusion of separateness and division has been blurred. Help blur the lines by being the multi-dimensional being that you are. Choose your reality…or it will choose you. ~higher conscious

Copyright (c) Trevi Bennett 2016


Satiate the Soul


We are always processing and integrating into the whole.

It is the desire to proactively succeed that propels us forward. If all we had to be was zen living moment to moment would seem easier, but it is essential to provide for oneself. This occurs by actively succeeding, meaning you surpassed who you were a moment ago and did something unexpected and unheard of to most, you thought of a segment in time where life wasn’t so judged, so hard. Expanding into the now allows the conscious mind to process on a level that satiates the soul. Feeding this desire to be open minded by stepping into the next moment unknowingly, without limiting expectations or preconceptions.

Allow this unfolding to be that of your preference. Do not let others determine your path, your successions from one multi dimensional self to another. Let loose the willingness to be 100% you, without hesitation. If you have a doubt squash it with your own consistent self development. Processing feelings and emotions guide us onto the path of least resistance. It is astounding how many choose their own suffering, as if there is no other choice, if doing something evokes a feeling of dismay the goal would be to listen to intuition and be guided to release the repetitive cycles of illusion that cause pain.

It is amazing how accustomed to suffering some have become.

Remembering to follow up with your own goals of self fulfillment. Get published, paint, sing, draw energy to you that creates an atmosphere of fun. It’s pretty awesome you have this opportunity to experience opening to the concept of enlightenment, or simply lightening up your energy. Raise the frequency, drop the baggage and fly on wings of knowledge, unafraid of the North winds, for you know the path that must be taken. Be in this world but not of it some wise person once said. Let the effortless path come to you.

Copyright (c) Trevi Bennett 2016

Aloe Vera


Aloe is an excellent immuno-modulator, meaning it can both stimulate the immune response for those with weakened immune systems either from exisiting conditions or post-illness fatigue, and calm the immune response, such as for Hayfever where less immune reaction is beneficial.

Although Aloe is roughly 99% water, the remaining 1% is potent with close to 100 ingredients working synergistically. Containing many minerals vital to the growth process and healthy function of all the body’s systems including vitamins, minerals, sugars, enzymes, lignins, amino acids, anthraquinones, saponins, fatty acids, and salicylic acid.

On-going studies worldwide show that taken in highly concentrated doses can stimulate the production of white blood cells that may help fight viruses and also tumours.



The Hindu goddess of fortune and prosperity. Lakshmi is believed to be attracted to sparkling jewels, which are like the riches she bestows upon her favored worshippers.

The generosity of the universe. The ability to be open to abundance. Positive expectations. Awareness of beauty and love.

Vision of Self


Dark shadow side is there to teach you a lesson.

Revisiting the possibility of creating continued sadness and unfeasible expectations. Being present in the now is not an easy concept for some. It is the ability to not know what will happen next. Instead of grasping onto something and making it something solid we can choose to release the attachment to the conflict and simply receive all the blessings we deserve. Knowing the conscious mind is governed and connected by the higher mind. So no matter how weak the connection the waking body has very little control of reality. Only the higher mind can see the pitfalls and highlights without short sighted bias.

Expansion is not always pleasant. It is a subtle challenging of the spirit, to let’s say take a dare. To see if you can do it, if you can overcome your weaknesses. Turning those weak links into the strongest link is a real possibility. Unchaining the concepts that hold you back, the individuals or people that you default to blaming as the reason you’re not taking that next step.

Fly free into a space of not concerning yourself with the dramatic trivialities that the waking mind can create.

That person is not holding you back, your concept of accepting their limited belief in you is the true culprit. It’s easy to think, “well if that person doesn’t believe than why should I?” That is exactly why!

They act as a propellant to hurtle you forward catapult style. Do you want to plot your course for the sling shot or let someone else decide your fate? Take notice of the good in your life and manifest more of that. Living simply, no excess will be another key to ease. Unlock the rigid concept of limiting belief and begin to dream again. You Do not have to be anyone you are not. If you don’t resonate with being a bookkeeper, even though you know how to do it, don’t be that which you don’t resonate with. How will you increase your frequency if your resistance to self is great? If, however you feel grounded working with numbers and offering an earthly service then by all means continue.

What is your highest vision of self? Singing, performing, enjoying a presence of self that not only improves your life, but also the lives of others. Creating this service to self also creates a reciprocal vibe of receiving. You cannot give without also receiving the benefit of that giving energy—some have been blinded by belief and now feel the constriction of those beliefs when the reality we are entering does not support those beliefs. Living within your means many seem like a foreign concept when we have all been systematically trained to spend beyond one’s worth. The whole concept of worth based on money is skewed creating a false sense of security, or equally insecurity. What is your ability to provide for your family?

If you can make anything happen envision something fun and enlightening for others. Perhaps a series of videos on self discovery ranging in depth from the arts to the more philosophical pondering. Indulge in creativity, involve others on this quest for fun. Alternate the harsh self criticism with a lighter more encouraging attitude toward self. We are here to guide you regardless of what others think. Love and light to you. ~higher conscious

Copyright (c) Trevi Bennett 2016



There will come a time when love is all there is.

The overwhelming ecstasy of knowing you, as all individuals do, must resonate to a higher frequency. This entails turning off your devices, resonating on a frequency without cords or artificial lights. Everything will be based on earth’s natural cycles of light and dark. If you only had the daylight how would you use it best? There will always be technology it is up to you to decide to invest in your own inner tech, developing a felt sense. This inner frequency is a form of communication with all that surrounds you even 20 light years away.

Invest in a new kind of learning with your son, one that is natural, easy, not stressful, the true path of least resistance where everything simply makes sense because you allow each element to truly be in its own nature. This means allowing yourself, as well as others, to be in their true nature. Allow this sinking into self to be enjoyable and effortless…yes that means with no effort other than that of conscious awareness. If you wish to be free you must give others the same opportunity. Your connection to self will be the key to ease, relax into your multi dimensional lounge, for only through true relaxation will you, or anyone, connect with Source energy. It is infinitely available and innately at your beck and call. You wield the sword to cut through illusion, or disillusionment for that matter. Understand, integrate, release attachment to any perceived outcome. Be proud but not boastful, joyous but not blinded by joy. Be aware of others perceived sorrow. You too at one point thought you had no choice, now you see that couldn’t be farther from the truth. We are here for your spiritual growth. Unfold your consciousness activate regions of brain long turned off.

Enlighten your vibe and it will serve those around you to remember our true purpose here, to live and explore our chosen themes.

Thought you were a worker bee chained to the hive only to find you can fly to wherever you wish, but beware of poisoned fields and artificial people with ulterior motives for existing. Avoid this critical mind fallout to be reminded of a clearer place and time. Engage in flow, the concept of connection interlacing us all together. If you are dreaming of someone, they are dreaming of you. Take this opportunity to align with all the goals you wish to achieve and then chuck it. Know you are already everything which you’ve ever been. Being in the moment is the only goal, now into the next now, let go of attached outcome. You never know until you unknow. Do not wish to know what happens next, simply know it has been specifically manifested  with you in mind. The unified gift of learning is what we have to share with each other. Love and light. ~higher conscious

Copyright (c) Trevi Bennett 2016



Loaded with vitamin C, manganese and fiber, raspberries provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Likewise, raspberries are noted for their blood sugar and cellular benefits as well as helping with weight management.

Growth of the Soul


All the things that worry you, the rent, the bills, the unfeasible, unsustainable drain of money that sucks the will from you.

Let not worry be your guide. Thinking of these issues gets you caught up in the rat race of want and desire. Is it ok to want, of course, it is essential on the path of unknowing realization. This want and desire when unchecked becomes a ravenous monster of greed, and you can see where that has led. Understanding the plight of all human kind gives a valid perspective…that of validating the self so that inner worth and value are the shining, radiating factor of attraction. Becoming clear on what matters and what is of a passing financial matter that will not be remembered hundreds of years from now. If all realities exist simultaneously, you may shift to any one you wish. Shape shifting is a different matter and not necessarily of any concern to you. We draw into our lives that which we think about and create lessons for the gradual growth of the soul.

The now moment exceleration will have a powerful impact on everyone’s world. Know that the time you have dreaded your whole life may come to reality, another threat of nuclear war. The P’s channeled by Barbara Marciniak mentioned no one is going to save you. Now is the time to release any preconception holding you back and jump into the void, both feet, to experience your true potential as a human. Surprise the heavens with your unpredictable nature and ability to out think even yourself at the best/worst of times. It is all perspective so manifest a now that not only serves you, but benefits those around you as well. There is time for everything, and every moment in its own time. Allow this unfolding to be fun and unexpectedly healing for you and those around you. No need to explain how, just dream up your ultimate reality and let loose preconceived notions of how and why. Just be. Be a part of the human experience, explore the possibilities before there are too few to count. It is a time of great understanding but can potentially feel like a misguided missile. Fulfill your plan of unknowing everything you have previously known.

Get rid of the junk and create some space in your life for new possibilities. It has been a pleasure connecting, let us ring in the New year in style together, stronger than before. Love and light. ~higher conscious

Photo credit: Michael Bosanko

Copyright (c) Trevi Bennett 2015